Policy NE7 – Green Zone
There are two specific policy tests within the Green zone Policy NE7, relating to the demolition and redevelopment of existing dwellings namely;
The proposals should;
a) not facilitate a significant increase in occupancy; and
b) give rise to demonstrable environmental gains, contributing to the repair and restoration of the landscape character
The pre-amble to policy NE7 sets out the following in relation to the redevelopment of existing dwellings and ancillary buildings.
Paragraph 2.128
Comprehensive proposals of this type can offer the possibility of repairing and restoring landscape character which might be achieved by environmental gains including some or all of reduced visual mass, more sensitive and sympathetic siting and design, materials, colours and finishes more sensitive to the character area.
Paragraph 1.129
Replacement of buildings should not facilitate a significant increase in occupancy. Intensification of domestic use would place more pressure upon a fragile environment, limited infrastructure and services and be likely to increase trip generation.
Policy SP2 – Efficient use of resources
Development should make the most efficient and effective use of land, energy, water resources and buildings to help deliver a more sustainable form and pattern of sustainable development.
Any proposal on this site must seek to make efficient and effective use of land which is located in this highly sustainable location.
Policy SP3 – Sequential approach to development
A sequential approach to an assessment of development proposals will be applied in support of a more sustainable pattern of development and the more efficient and effective use of land, energy and buildings.
Policy GD1 – General Development Considerations
Development proposals will not be permitted unless the following criteria are met:-
Sustainable development: contributes towards a more sustainable form and pattern of development.
Impact on the environment: does not seriously harm the Island’s natural and historic environment, in accord with Policy SP4 ‘Protecting the natural and historic environment’.
Impact on neighbouring land and users: does not unreasonably harm the amenities of neighbouring uses, including the living conditions for nearby residents.
Value of the development: there will be a need for the Minister for Planning and Environment to consider the value of the development to the Island, relative to its stated needs and objectives, and in particular, to the local economy.
Travel and transport: contribute, where appropriate, to reducing dependence on the car, in accord with Policy SP 6 ‘Reducing dependence on the car’, and in particular is:-
a. is accessible by pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users, including those with mobility impairments;
b. will not lead to unacceptable problems of traffic generation, safety or parking;
Design quality: the design and architecture of new development is a critical consideration and, in particular, attention must be paid to new development within its local context.
A proposed dwelling should be respectfully sited and minimalise impact on neighbouring properties which will in turn to minimalise letters representation received at the planning stage.
The proposed should be considered to be of a good standard of design.
Policy GD7 – Design Quality
The policy requires a high quality of design that respects, conserves and contributes positively to the diversity and distinctiveness of the landscape and the built context, to be sought in all developments.
Architecturally, the proposal will be a successful scheme producing a dwelling using good quality materials.
NE1 – Conservation and enhancement of Biological Diversity
A presumption in favour of conservation and enhancement of biodiversity. Permission will not be granted to developments which would seriously adversely affect biological diversity.
The proposed scheme must ensure the protection of biodiversity.
An ecological impact statement and landscape scheme will be required by the planning department as part of the formal planning application.
NE2 – Species Protection
Permission will only be granted for development that would not cause significant harm to animal or plant species protected by Law, or their habitats.
The proposed scheme must ensure that any protected species on site will not be compromised.
An ecological impact statement will be required by the planning department as part of the application.
Planning Policy Note 6 – ‘A Minimum Specification for New Housing Developments’ (PPN6)
The creation of a new residential unit(s) would require the new unit(s) of accommodation to meet the minimum space standards set out in PPN6.
Proposed bedrooms must be within the Department’s minimum standards for double bedrooms (12.5m²) and secondary double bedrooms (10.2m),
The proposed dwelling must comfortably meet the minimum requirement for living space and storage.
The guidance requires the provision of 50sqm for amenity space which will be easily achieved within the designated garden area.
Planning Policy Note 3 – ‘Parking Guidelines’ (PPN3)
In order to satisfy the parking standards, a provision of approximately 1 space per bedroom would be required.
The proposed scheme needs to meet the Department’s minimum standards regarding parking space sizes (2.4sqm x 4.9sqm).